Here you can create/recreate a private key for automated trading, which will be linked to your account.
If you do not understand why you need a key, then please, for your own safety, do not tell it to anyone.
The sale of the application is launched in the test mode, which allows you to automate trading on our website - CounterBot.
By using the API, you agree to the terms of the agreement, in particular, with a limited warranty of 4 hours.
You can pass the key in the GET parameter key, or, for greater security, in headers with the key X-API-KEY.
Price list in json format.
The price list is in json format, where buy_order is the maximum buy order for this item.
{ "success": true, "time": 1565103435, "currency": "USD", "items": { "1434515088_0": { "price": "0.50", "buy_order": "0.10", "avg_price": "0.74", "popularity_7d": "47", "market_hash_name": "Arcane Defiance Loading Screen", "ru_name": "Загрузочный экран «Arcane Defiance»", "ru_rarity": "Common", "ru_quality": "Standard", "text_color": "D2D2D2", "bg_color": "" }, "1479313949_0": { "price": "0.60", "buy_order": "0.10", "avg_price": "0.94", "popularity_7d": "13", "market_hash_name": "Armor of Utter Eradication", "ru_name": "Armor of Utter Eradication", "ru_rarity": "Uncommon", "ru_quality": "Standard", "text_color": "D2D2D2", "bg_color": "" } } }
List in json format.[your_secret_key]
On our site there is an opportunity to receive notifications, balance changes, new items for sale and more.
With the help of them you can only receive information, they work on a subscription model. To receive personal notifications, it is enough to send the key-token received by the method get-ws-auth
Using this request, you can obtain the token required to connect to the server.
To save traffic, we do not pass the hash name of the item, but instead give the name_id.
You can compare name_id and hash name from the file, which can be found at:
Create a request for the transfer of purchased items that are at our bots.[your_secret_key][&bot=botid]
{ "success": true, "trade": "1704976549", "nick": "NIPFribergEZIO", "botid": "354589802", "profile": "", "secret": "1J10", "items": [ "1812819920_188530170", "2082539396_188530139", "2048839018_902658099" ] }
Create a request to transfer purchased items to our bot[your_secret_key]
{ "success": true, "trade": "1704976549", "nick": "NIPFribergEZIO", "botid": "354589802", "profile": "", "secret": "1J10", "items": [ 15060788266 ] }
Request data to transfer the item to the buyer[your_secret_key]
{ "success": true, "hash" : "234234234/wefsdgsd", "offer" : { "partner" : 12345, "token" : "fffffff", "tradeoffermessage" : "sdfsdf . . . 234234234/wefsdgsd", "items" : [ { "appid" : 730, "contextid" : 2, "assetid" : 23452345, "amount" : 1} ] } }
Returns data for creating all trades[your_secret_key]
{ "success": true, "offers" : [ { "partner" : 12345, "token" : "fffffff", "tradeoffermessage" : "sdfsdf . . . 234234234/wefsdgsd", "hash" : "234234234/wefsdgsd", "items" : [ { "appid" : 730, "contextid" : 2, "assetid" : 23452345, "amount" : 1} ] }, { "partner" : 123456, "token" : "fffffff", "hash" : "234234234/wefsdas", "tradeoffermessage" : "sdfsdf . . . 234234234/wefsdas", "items" : [ { "appid" : 730, "contextid" : 2, "assetid" : 23452346, "amount" : 1} ] } ]}
Register with us a trade offer that you created on Steam[your_secret_key]&tradeoffer=[steam_trade_offer_id]
{ "success": false, "tradeofferid": 1133557799, "error": "not active offers" }
Enable sales, you need to send every 3 minutes.[your_secret_key]&v=2
{ "success": true, "ping": "pong" }
Enable sales, you need to send every 3 minutes.
{ "access_token": "eyAidHlwIjogIkpXVCIsICJhb.....", "proxy": "http://proxy_login:proxy_pass@proxy_ip:proxy_port" }
The «proxy» parameter is optional. If it is passed, then requests with your «access_token» will be performed through the proxy.
The value of the access_token parameter can be obtained in several ways:
For https://*/pointssummary/ajaxgetasyncconfig requests the following format is used:
{ "success": 1, "data": { "webapi_token": "ACCESS_TOKEN" } }
This request necessarily requires the use of the "steamLoginSecure" cookie in the request headers, below is an example of a header:
Cookie: steamLoginSecure=COOKIE_PAYLOAD;
{ "success": true, "ping": "pong", "online": true, "p2p": true, "steamApiKey": true }
{ "success": false, "message": "invalid_access_token" }
Stop selling items.[your_secret_key]
Getting Steam inventory, only those items that you have not yet put up for sale.[your_secret_key]
{ "success": true, "items": [ { "id": "14933635912", "classid": "310776767", "instanceid": "0", "market_hash_name": "SCAR-20 | Carbon Fiber (Factory New)", "market_price": 10.34, "tradable": 1 } ]}
Set item for sale. To get a list of items for selling, use the method my-inventory.[your_secret_key]&id=[id]&price=[price]&cur=[currency]
Set a new price on the item, or remove from sale.[your_secret_key]&item_id=[item_id]&price=[price]&cur=[currency]
Removing all items at once from the sale.[your_secret_key]
{"count":4, "success":true}
List of items:[your_secret_key]
{ "success": true, "items": [ { "item_id": "286316844", "assetid": "15092687536", "classid": "637317999", "instanceid": "630912635", "real_instance": "1629337655", "market_hash_name": "Horns of Monstrous Reprisal", "position": 0, "price": 4, "currency": "USD", "status": "1", "live_time": 920, "left": null, "botid": "0" }]}
Get a list of trade offers that are currently sent to your account by the Market and are awaiting confirmation on Steam.[your_secret_key][your_secret_key]&extended=1
{ "success": true, "trades": [ { "dir": "in", "trade_id": "1705069832", "bot_id": "354486743", "timestamp": 23423423423 } ] }
Item purchase. In our system, it is possible to purchase only one item per request.[your_secret_key]&hash_name=[market_hash_name]&price=[price][your_secret_key]&id=[id]&price=[price]
{ "success": true, "id": "136256960" }
{ "success": false, "error": "this custom_id exist" }
Item purchase and it`s transfer to another user.[your_secret_key]&hash_name=[market_hash_name]&price=[price]&partner=[partner]&token=[token]&chance_to_transfer=[chance][your_secret_key]&id=[id]&price=[price]&partner=[partner]&token=[token]
{ "success": true, "id": "136256960" }
{ "success": false, "error": "The recipient inventory is full", "code": 21 }
Returns purchase status information[your_secret_key]&custom_id=[custom_id]
{ "success": true, "data": { "item_id": "534415936", "market_hash_name": "Spectrum 2 Case", "classid": "2521767801", "instance": "0", "time": "1548081954", "send_until" : null, "stage": "2", "paid": 0.5, "causer": null, "currency": "USD", "for": "1234567", "trade_id": null } }
Returns purchase status information[your_secret_key]&custom_id[]=[custom_id1]&custom_id[]=[custom_id2]
{ "success": true, "data": { "custom_id": { "item_id": "534415936", "market_hash_name": "Spectrum 2 Case", "classid": "2521767801", "instance": "0", "time": "1548081954", "send_until" : null, "stage": "2", "paid": 0.5, "currency": "USD", "for": "1234567", "trade_id": null } } }
History of purchases and sales at all sites[your_secret_key]&date=12312314&date_end=12312714[your_secret_key]&date=[DD-MM-YYYY]
{ "success": true, "data": [ { "item_id": "286316842", "market_hash_name": "Maraxiform's Ire", "class": "2274724615", "instance": "57949762", "time": "1546229560", "event": "buy", "app": "570", "stage": "2", "for": null, "custom_id": null, "paid": "72", "currency": "USD" } ] }
History of purchases, sales, deposit operations, withdrawals on all platforms[your_secret_key]&date=1585042890&date_end=1592646090
{ "success": true, "data": [ { "time": "1592564265", "event": "sell", "item_id": "520336165", "market_hash_name": "Glock-18 | Ironwork (Factory New)", "class": "3706631132", "instance": "188530139", "price": "500", "received": "468", "currency": "USD", "stage": "5", "for": null, "custom_id": null, "app": 730 }, { "time": "1591817364", "event": "buy", "item_id": "286316972", "market_hash_name": null, "class": null, "instance": null, "paid": "193", "currency": "USD", "stage": "5", "for": null, "custom_id": null, "app": 570 }, { "time": "1588586061", "event": "checkout", "id": "542713332", "amount": "1001", "currency": "USD", "status": "105" } ] }
Getting a list of your orders[your_secret_key]&page=0
{ "success": true, "orders": [ { "hash_name": "Spectrum 2 Case", "phase": "", "count": 5, "date": "2021-09-08 18:06:58", "price": 10, "currency": "USD", "partner": null, "token": null } ] }
Adding, modifying and deleting an order[your_secret_key]&market_hash_name=AWP | Dragon Lore (Field-Tested)&count=5&price=50000000[&partner=partnerID&token=tradeToken]
{ "success": true, "order": { "hash_name": "AWP | Dragon Lore (Field-Tested)", "phase": "", "currency": "USD", "price": 20, "count": 5, "date": "2021-09-08 18:30:44", "partner": null, "token": null } }
History of executed orders[your_secret_key]&page=0
{ "success": true, "orders": [ { "hash_name": "Desert Eagle | Oxide Blaze (Field-Tested)", "item_id": 520336218, "created": "2021-09-06 18:00:27", "executed": "2021-09-06 18:03:16", "price": 1000, "currency": "USD" }, { "hash_name": "Gamma 2 Case", "item_id": 520336215, "created": "2021-09-06 17:59:54", "executed": "2021-09-06 17:59:54", "price": 5000, "currency": "USD" } ] }
Get the amount on the balance and current currency.[your_secret_key]
{"money": 123.45, "currency": "RUB", "success": true}
{"money": 123.45, "currency": "USD", "success": true}
{"money": 123.45, "currency": "EUR", "success": true}
Immediately suspend the bidding, we also recommend disconnecting from the websockets.[your_secret_key]
Request inventory cash update (it is recommended to do after each accepted trade offer).[your_secret_key]
Transferring discounts to another account[your_secret_key]&to=[his_secret_key]
Find out your steamID[your_secret_key]
{ "success": true, "steamid32": 123456, "steamid64": "1234123513245234" }
Setting/changing payment password.
Possible either in the first 24 hours after registration, or at any time, but with the specified and confirmed mailing address.[old_password]&new_password=[new_password]&key=[your_secret_key]
{ "success": true }
Transferring the balance from the current account to the specified one
Possible only if the payment password has been set
Transfer from account to account with different currencies is made at the exchange rate for the current day[amount]/[user_api_key]?pay_pass=[pay_pass]&key=[your_secret_key]
{ "success": true, "from": 1234567, "to": 13579123, "amount": 1000 }
History of balance transfers from the current account[page = 0]?key=[your_secret_key]
{ "success": true, "data": [ { "id": "6308681", "from": "12345678", "to": "11223344", "amount_from": "10000", "currency_from": "USD", "amount_to": "10000", "currency_to": "USD" } }
Linking the Steam API key to your account[your_secret_key]&steam-api-key=[steam-api-key]
{ "success": true }
Linking a trade link to an account[your_secret_key]&token=[token]
{ "success": true, "token": "kf47d09" }
Account currency change[new-currency]?key=[your_secret_key]
{ "success": true }
{ "success": false, "error": 1001 }
Registration of an account on the market and obtaining an API key
You can automate the registration of your Steam accounts on our market. For this, you need to pass the access_token (see the ping-new method) and proxy. We will register the account if it has not been registered yet, save the trade link and generate the platform API key.
{ "access_token": "eyAidHlwIjogIkpXVCIsICJhb.....", "proxy": "http://proxy_login:proxy_pass@proxy_ip:proxy_port", "currency": "USD" }
The «currency» parameter is optional. If it is passed, then when creating an account, it will be used the selected currency. By default: RUB.
{ "success": true, "apikey": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstubvwxyz", "is_new": true }
{ "success": false, "message": "invalid_proxy" }
Option to request a single item[your_secret_key]&hash_name=[market_hash_name]
{ "success" : true, "currency" : "USD", "data": [ { "market_hash_name" : "ABC", "price" : 400, "class" : 93975063, "instance" : 57944754, "count" : 10 } ] }
Option to request a single item[your_secret_key]&hash_name=[market_hash_name]&phase=[phase]
{ "success": true, "currency": "USD", "data": [ { "id": 521320033, "market_hash_name": "AWP | Worm God (Factory New)", "price": 3573, "class": 3088304936, "instance": 480085569, "seller_steam_level": 2, "extra": { "float": "0.061443410813808", "phase": "aq_awp_twine" } }, { "id": 523494595, "market_hash_name": "AWP | Worm God (Factory New)", "price": 3604, "class": 1848971742, "instance": 480085569, "seller_steam_level": null, "extra": { "float": "0.051711451262236", "phase": "aq_awp_twine" } }, { "id": 522446815, "market_hash_name": "AWP | Worm God (Factory New)", "price": 4386, "class": 3033846573, "instance": 188530139, "seller_steam_level": 12, "extra": { "float": "0.038657382130623", "phase": "aq_awp_twine" } }, { "id": 521834932, "market_hash_name": "AWP | Worm God (Factory New)", "price": 4386, "class": 3099667914, "instance": 188530139, "seller_steam_level": 32, "extra": { "float": "0.0054426062852144", "phase": "aq_awp_twine" } } ] }
Option to query by list of items. Returns a limited number of offers from the market_hash_name list.
If the extended=1 parameter is specified in the url, then the maximum market_hash_name quantity limit is 5. For each item, you will receive the first 500 positions for sale.
If the extended=1 parameter is NOT specified, then the maximum market_hash_name quantity limit is 50, and for each item you will receive the first 50 positions for sale.[your_secret_key]&list_hash_name[]=[market_hash_name]&list_hash_name[]=[market_hash_name]&...[your_secret_key]&extended=1&list_hash_name[]=[market_hash_name]&list_hash_name[]=[market_hash_name]&...
{ "success": true, "currency": "USD", "data": { "USP-S | Lead Conduit (Well-Worn)": [ { "id": 535992148, "price": "5100", "class": 3017010398, "instance": 188530139, "seller_steam_level": 4, "extra": { "asset": "35081291", "float": "0.39269635081291", "phase": "gs_usp_voltage", "percent_success": "100.00", "average_time": "195" } } ], "USP-S | Lead Conduit (Factory New)": [ { "id": 545992413, "price": "10100", "class": 3017020387, "instance": 188530171, "seller_steam_level": 7, "extra": { "asset": "320811187", "float": "0.04768768698012", "phase": "gs_usp_voltage", "percent_success": "88.00", "average_time": "163" } } ] } }
Option to request a list of items[your_secret_key]&list_hash_name[]=[market_hash_name]&list_hash_name[]=[market_hash_name]
{ "success": true, "currency": "USD", "data": { "USP-S | Lead Conduit (Well-Worn)": { "max": "100", "min": 1, "average": 50, "history": [ [12312312312, 1.234], [12312312313, 1.234] ] } } }
Getting the history of withdrawal operations (100 per page)[your_secret_key][&page=0]
{"success":true, "data":[ { "id":"9503323", "uid":"1234567890", "summ":"10000", "paid":"9500", "method":"card", "wm":"7-9683912365", "status":"30", "comment":"", "created":"2021-05-26 19:10:45", "currency":"USD", "can_cancel":false } ] }
= 0 - The order has been created
= 10 - The order is approved
= 20 - The order has been sent for execution
= 30 - The order is executed
= 100 - The order is rejected
= 105 - The order is canceled
= 110 - Error
Getting the history of replenishment transactions (100 per page)[your_secret_key][&page=0]
{"success":true, "data":[ { "id":"34754143", "uid":"1234567890", "system":"paygate", "amount":"15000", "created":"2021-09-13 07:15:36", "currency":"USD" }, { "id":"34754142", "uid":"1234567890", "system":"paygate", "amount":"10000", "created":"2021-09-04 15:12:29", "currency":"USD" } ] }
Check all possible obstacles to the successful items selling.[your_secret_key]
{ "success": true, "status": { "user_token": true, "trade_check": true, "site_online": false, "site_notmpban": false, "steam_web_api_key" : false } }
We invite you to join the community of developers using API. In the group you can ask your community a question, talk directly with the market developers and learn more about the new features,
Added method change-currency.
Added method set-trade-token.
Added method operation-history.
Method updated search-list-items-by-hash-name-all.
Added method trade-ready.
Added method get-api-key-via-access-token.
Added method stickers.